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Backlit signs

By July 20, 2022No Comments

Backlit signs are a great way to advertise your business. They’re easy to see, and they can fit into just about any outdoor space. There are two basic components of lightbox signage: the box itself and the lights inside of it. To make a backlit sign work, you’ll need both of these things.

There are two basic components to a lightbox sign

Lightbox signs are typically made up of two basic components: a lightbox and a backlit.

The lightbox is the box-like structure that holds your graphic and serves as its support to display it. The lightbox can be made of many different materials, including wood, aluminum or acrylic. Acrylic is usually preferred because it’s lightweight and easy to ship, but most commonly used for large format displays because of its excellent dimensional stability over time (meaning it doesn’t warp like wood).

The backlit component consists of a printed styrene graphic with an adhesive backing applied on top that’s stuck onto the inside surface of your choice with double-sided tape or V

elcro® fasteners (depending upon your needs) on either side so you can easily remove without damaging any surface below when not in use.

Besides the lightbox, what else is needed?

Besides the lightbox, what else is needed?

  • Printing. Accent will provide consultation, printing, and installation.
  • Styrene or Acrylic. These are the materials used to make your lightbox, which will then be mounted inside your backlit sign. The type of styrene or acrylic that you use will depend on how thick you want your lightbox to be, but typically 1/32″ thick styrene works well for most applications. You could also opt for 1/4″ thick acrylic if you want something even thicker and sturdier than standard 1/32″.
  • Backlit Sign Frame: This part holds everything together! It needs to be strong enough so that nothing falls apart when people bump into it or something heavy drops onto it. They come in many different sizes ranging from 4’x8′ up through 12’x12′. We recommend using aluminum frames because they last longer than wood ones even though they cost more upfront (about $100-$150 depending upon size).

Backlit signs can be a great way to attract attention to your business.

Backlit signs are a great way to attract attention to your business. They can be used to advertise a new product or service, they can be used to promote a sale or special event, they can draw attention to your business, and they can draw attention to a specific product or service.

Backlit signs are a great way to attract attention to your business and can help you stand out from the competition. They’re also relatively inexpensive, so it’s worth considering if you want to use one for your next project.